Some Protocol Points for Online Meetings
- Please use your student number and first name as name/alias so that we can identify you as a legitimate participant and in the correct meeting; in cases in which this isn't adhered to it slows down the start of the meeting.
- Please join meetings on time. The room announces your entry and exit and if you join late you will interrupt the flow.
- Related to the above point, if you are on an unstable internet connection and are continuosly droppng out, please don't reenter an excessive number of times as this will disrupt the flow of the meeting. Instead, please wait for the transcript.
- Please don't post questions before the meeting begins. Each meeting has a set flow and subjects are addressed according to an agenda.
- Please keep comments inside the room. Don’t use the IM function as this is distracting to the recipient.
- Please don’t post your contact details inside the room or ask others for contact details (email, Skype etc).
- Please try to keep up with the fast pace of the room (it is difficult for all with just 60 minutes to cover everything) and interact at the relevant point and not when the conversation has moved on to another subject. Generally, meetings will follow a set sequence and so you should be able to work out in advance when your point of interaction is and by closely following the room you will see when the conversation subject has moved on. There is always an opportunity to catch up on missed questions at the end.
- Please keep comments polite and professional. No profanity please and deal with others courteously even if they have a different viewpoint.
- Comments can be misinterpreted without the benefit of voice intonation so please apply the best principles of diversity, gender neutrality etc.
- Please don’t use emojis or symbols such as ;-) etc.; they can be misinterpreted and may cause offence or misunderstanding.
Obviously, the above reminders don’t apply to the majority of experienced participants who already understand and practice good protocol. Points such as the above have all occurred at one time or another, however, and the aim is to ensure every meeting participant has a productive 60 minutes experience.