Understanding Process and Strategy
Some unit tasks require you to evidence your proficiency by asking you to create a process produce a strategy. Some students have difficulty with this and fail to develop their answer sufficiently.
For the purpose of such tasks strategy can be defined as:
A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired goal or solution to a problem. The inference in the tasks is that the strategy would have a number of elements (typically at least 4-6) which may run in sequence, in parallel or may be alternatives or even complementary. The best layout for identifying elements in a strategy is through the use of bullets with emboldened subheadings, or a table.
A process is very similar. For the purpose of CSMP tasks a process can be defined as:
A series of steps (actions) leading to an outcome. The similarities between process and strategy are obvious, but a process infers sequential steps, the output of one perhaps serving as the input for the next. Like strategy, a process can also be presented using bullets or tables, but a better method is perhaps through a simple flowchart, which can be created using the insert>shapes tool provided with MS Word.