Online Library Log-in Problems
New Users
Click here if you are an existing user experiencing difficulty.
In order to sign up successfully for an online library (extranet) account you will need to adhere to the following procedures:
Username requirements: Your username must only contain letters and numeric values between 6 to 12 characters. It must begin with an alphabetical character [A-Z, a-z].
Password requirements: Your password must contain at least 1 numeric value and be between 6 to 12 characters. Your password must begin with an alphabetical character [A-Z, a-z].
The system does not recognise symbols or spaces.
If you are a CSMP® student, a good approach is to use your first name and your student nr, e.g. John1234A. The most common cause of later login problems is that the student has forgotten the selected username, so selecting something memorable is important.
If you are a CPP student we ask that use select a username in the format CPPEvans, CPPSmith etc.
It is possible, if you made an error with sign-up information initially, that the sign-up page may retain hidden metadata in the entry fields. This is not uncommon with web forms in general and it will frustrate further attempts to sign up. If you find this happening you are advised to do one of the following to clear the hidden data:
- Close your browser session and reopen a new browser page.
- Use a different browser (e.g. if you have been using IE try Chrome or Firefox).
- Reboot your PC.
If you think you may already have an account, do not try to create another - contact first to check. The system will not allow you to create a duplicate account.
The most common cause of log-in failure is an incorrectly entered username. If you forget your password you can request a password reset on the log-in form, but if you are using an incorrect username this won’t resolve the problem.
In such cases you should email to Janet the username you are trying to log in with so that it can be checked against our database.